What is CACFP?
- Participating organizations receive training and technical assistance, nutrition education, and food safety information.
- Facilities must be eligible and receive approval to operate the CACFP before applying for any reimbursement.
Who is Eligible?
- Infants and children receive no-cost or low-cost meals through their child development facility or day care home.
- All youth who are age 18 and younger at the start of the school year and any person with a disability can get meals through participating afterschool programs.
- Anyone younger than 25 years old or who has a disability can get meals at emergency shelters they live in.
- Adults who are age 60 and older or those age 18 and older with a disability can receive no-cost or low-cost meals at the adult day center where they also receive social and health services.
- If you are looking to get reimbursed for facilitating CACFP, please check out the Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit.
Contact the Office of the State Superintendent for Education (OSSE)
- Email: osse.nutritionprogram@dc.gov (please specify CACFP in the subject line)
- Website: osse.dc.gov/service/child-and-adultcare-food-program-cacfp
- Phone: (202) 727-6436 (parents/guardians/adults: please contact the facility you or your child attends first)
Child care centers and home providers that participate in the CACFP are listed here.
Other Resources
D.C. Hunger Solutions, DC Department of Health, DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, DC Public Schools, DC Department Human Services and DC Department of Aging and Community Living have come together to create a District of Columbia Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit with a roadmap on how to navigate Federal Nutrition Programs in the District.
Read D.C. Hunger Solutions’ CACFP fact sheet for a quick overview of the program!
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