What is SFSP?
- The SFSP, is a federally funded, state-administered program. SFSP reimburses program operators who serve no-cost healthy meals and snacks to youth age 18 and younger in low-income areas during summer months.
- The SFSP also operates in the event of an unanticipated school closure, extreme weather event, natural disaster, or any other event that may cause schools to be closed more than two weeks.
Who is Eligible?
- All youths age 18 and younger can receive no-cost meals at participating meal sites in the community.
- Individuals with disabilities who are older than age 18 and participate in school programs for the mentally or physically disabled can also receive meals at these sites.
- No cost, no sign-up, no registration, and no ID required.
How to Apply?
- There is no ID or application required to participate in SFSP.
- All youths in DC age 18 and younger can receive service by visiting any participating open meal site located in the District.
- If you are interested in becoming a sponsoring organization and running SFSP, please check out the Federal Nutrition Program Toolkit.
Contact the Office of the State Superintendent for Education (OSSE)
- Phone: (202) 727-1839
- Email: osse.nutritionprogram@dc.gov (Please specify DC Youth Meals Program in the subject line)
- Website: https://osse.dc.gov/dcyouthmeals
Where can you find a Summer Feeding Site?
- Text “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304
- USDA’s SFSP site map: https://www.fns.usda.gov/summer/sitefinder
Other Resources
- Beginning in summer 2024, the District of Columbia can participate in the new nationwide Summer EBT Program. Summer EBT would reduce summer hunger in D.C. Learn more in D.C. Hunger Solutions’ new fact sheet.
- D.C. Hunger Solutions, DC Department of Health, DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, DC Public Schools, DC Department Human Services and DC Department of Aging and Community Living have come together to create a District of Columbia Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit with a roadmap on how to navigate Federal Nutrition Programs in the District.
- The D.C. Free Summer Meals Program has been ranked the best summer food program in the country for nine consecutive years for reaching the highest percentage of low-income children! According to the Food Research & Action Center’s latest Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation report, 1 out of 7 low income children eat meals during the summer months but in D.C. it’s almost 1 in 3.
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