Who is Eligible for SBP?
- SBP provides nutritious low- or no-cost meals and snacks to students in the District.
- Residents:
- Students enrolled in participating schools and
residential child care institutions (RCCIs).
- Students enrolled in participating schools and
- Organizations:
- DCPS, public charter schools, private schools, and RCCIs
How to Apply
- Residents:
- Students attending a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school do not have to apply. Meals served at CEP schools are provided at no-cost to students.
- There is no cost for breakfast at schools that participate in the SBP.
- Students attending a school that offers free, reduced-price, and paid meals will need to complete a Free And Reduced-price Meal (FARM) application. This form is confidential. Families can see if their student will receive free or reduced-priced meals using the USDA annual Income Eligibility Guidelines.
- Organizations should check out the Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit to learn about the application process.
Get in Touch with Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
- Email: OSSE.NutritionProgram@dc.gov (please specify School Nutrition Programs in the subject line)
- Website: osse.dc.gov/service/nutrition-services
- Phone: (202) 727-6436 Families: please contact the schools directly first before using general phone line
Other Resources
- D.C. Hunger Solutions, DC Department of Health, DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, DC Public Schools, DC Department Human Services and DC Department of Aging and Community Living have come together to create a District of Columbia Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit with a roadmap on how to navigate Federal Nutrition Programs in the District.
- Check out D.C. Hunger Solutions’ latest District of Columbia School Meals report to find out how many low-income students in the nation’s capital participated in school breakfast in the 2018-2019 school year, and how many Local Education Agencies (LEAs, or school districts), met our goal of reaching 60 percent of low-income children with school breakfast.
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