Home / Federal Nutrition Programs / WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children)
Infant Formula Shortage Updates
- DC Health Formula Shortage Guidance and Resources
- Access to Infant Formula Act (H.R. 7791)
- DC WIC Infant Formula Substitution Chart
- Abbott Formula Infant Formula Recall (DC Tracker)
- DC Medical Prescription Form
- Using Your DC eWIC Card
- WIC helps pregnant women, new mothers, infants (6-12 months), and children up to age 5 years buy the food they need for good health.
Who is Eligible for WIC?
- Pregnant women; women who delivered a baby in the past six months to 12 months; infants and children up to age 5; infants and children up to age 5 who are cared for by grandparents, fathers, foster parents, or other legal guardians may be eligible.
- DC residents.
- Household income is 185 percent below the federal poverty line.
- If you receive SNAP (Food Stamps), TANF, or free
school meals in DC, you are also eligible for DC
WIC. - Check out this pre-screening tool to see if you are
How to Apply
- To apply for WIC, residents should call their local WIC site.
- Site locations and contact information can be found at dcwic.org/wic-locations.
- Additional information for how to apply for DC WIC can be found at dcwic.org/how-to-applyfor-wic
Get in Touch with DC WIC
- Phone: (202) 442-9397
- Email: info.wic@dc.gov
- Website: dcwic.org
- Instagram: @dcwic
Locations of Services
Please use the contact information above to confirm if a service site is currently open.
- There are 13 local WIC clinics in DC.
- Find a local WIC clinic near you.
- You can find a list of local grocers, pharmacies, and farmers’ markets accepting WIC benefits.
Other Resources
D.C. Hunger Solutions, DC Department of Health, DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, DC Public Schools, DC Department Human Services and DC Department of Aging and Community Living have come together to create a District of Columbia Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit with a roadmap on how to navigate SNAP.
Check out our WIC Resources.
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