Participating Hunger Is Safeway Stores in D.C.
Home / Updates and Announcements / Updates and Announcements / Participating Hunger Is Safeway Stores in D.C.
Every child in the District of Columbia should have access to a healthy, nutritious breakfast to kick-start their morning. To achieve this goal, D.C. Hunger Solutions has partnered with the Hunger Is campaign to ensure children have access to school breakfast so they receive the nutrition they need to learn and thrive in the classroom and beyond.
The Hunger Is campaign runs from September 1-30. When you shop at a participating Safeway store, you can make a donation at the register that will directly benefit D.C. Hunger Solutions’ efforts to grow breakfast participation in schools and at summer meal sites across Maryland.
Here is a list of participating Safeway stores in the District of Columbia donating to D.C. Hunger Solutions:
- 2845 Alabama Avenue, SE, 20020
- 1747 Columbia Road, NW, 20009
- 5545 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 20015
- 1701 Corcoran Street, NW, 20009
- 3830 Georgia Avenue, NW, 20011
- 490 L Street, NW, 20001
- 1601 Maryland Avenue, NE, 20002
- 6500 Piney Branch Road, NW, 20012
- 1855 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 20007
- 1100 4th Street, NW, 20024
- 322 40th Street, NE, 20019
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